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Our history

Read all about how we were founded and jump through big milestones in our history.

Alan Day was a community activist who left the 2.9 acre property at 26 Whitman Street to his daughters in 2008. They and their mother wanted to honor his legacy by creating a community garden.

Community voices were centered from the beginning, and a series of eight meetings with over 100 participants were held to shape and co-create the vision for this community resource.

By 2010 the project had a map of the space, a mission statement focused on supporting a regenerative community food system, a new garden coordinator, and dozens of volunteers. The garden has continued to grow and evolve in response to the needs and priorities of our community.

Big milestones for us

A view of the community garden building
A group of volunteers at the community garden

Alan Day left the 2.9 acre property at 26 Whitman Street to his daughters, they and their mother, wanted to honor him by dedicating this land as a green space in the town of Norway. In order to best serve the community, they chose to engage the community in deciding the purpose for the land.


Eight community meetings were held with over 100 participants. During this process, a map of the future community garden was produced, a mission statement was created and work committees were formed for composting, water catchment, permaculture design and soil improvement. Engaging the community was a high priority. A board of directors was formed. 


Food was grown by volunteers and donated to the local high school and free community lunch. The mission “To cooperatively create an educational, demonstration garden, where people can grow their own food, using organic, sustainable methods to support an enduring food system” was agreed upon by the community. 2009 Seal Rossignol was hired as an organizer for 6 weeks.


Rocky Crockett was hired as a part time Garden Coordinator. Ann Day, Alan’s mother, began an annual donation to cover the cost of a coordinator position and an annual appeal was started. A checking account was opened. Rocky started writing and receiving grants.  Community members planted garden beds, built a water catchment system, renovated the barn, put up a greenhouse and installed fencing and signage. A summer events and workshop series was launched, relationships with service clubs, schools, other nonprofits and businesses were formed.


An Environmental Site Assessment was performed. A Memo of Understanding plan was signed for the land to be purchased over time by the non-profit. Senior projects were active at the ADCG and more gardeners grew produce on rented plots. A website was created. Non-profit status was a awarded as the Oxford Hills Community Gardens doing business as the Alan Day Community Garden.


The Youth Leadership Program (YLP) was developed. 1st Annual Light the Garden party fundraiser was held. The barn roof was replaced and a tool shed built by the Rotary club.


YLP offered elective credit and community service hours. 1st Annual Organic Seedlings sale was held. Solar power was installed in cooperation with the Center for an Ecology Based Economy to provide electricity to the garden.


Meryl Kelly was hired as YLP coordinator and the outdoor pavilion was built. 1st Annual Organic Seed Sale was held. The Food Forest was started with funding by a grant from Harvard Pilgrim.


Garden beds expanded to accommodate both the CSA and gardeners. OCWC 1st annual Restorative Community Trainings held at the ADCG. Barn renovations and creation of a library and resource center initiated. Jayne Pearson hired as YLP Coordinator.


A Sponsorship program with businesses to fund the Youth Leadership Program was developed. The ADCG was chosen by the Oxford County Wellness Collaborative for the work of addressing obesity and reducing isolation, disconnection and not feeling valued through the gardens programs with a support grant for the YLP to set up raised beds at local Early Learning Centers and create a YLP video.


Rocky Crockett became the Executive Director of the ADCG as a full time salaried position. Justin Bondeson hired as YLP Coordinator.


Jayne Pearson hired as Market Manager, Naomi Young hired as Volunteer Coordinator. Community Market started. Food Truck donated for summer by Anthony Frattianne.

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